Monday, October 29, 2007

These kinds of people drive me nuts!!!!!

Today I just have to rant a bit. Normally I' m a very tolerant person who lives by the motto "live and let live."

But there are certain people who just drive me totally insane. And one of those types is the person who is not only arrogant but ignorant to boot. I' sure that you've also met these pompous people who "know it all" , when in reality they know nothing about anything. These people consider it beneath them to read a self-help book and the terms self-growth or self-improvement are not even in their vocabulary.

The only problem they have is the rest of the world....after all they are perfect, if only the rest of the world could see it! 

These people continue doing things they way they always have, because that's  how it's  always been done. One day is like the next....and the next....and the next .....their entire lives are but one day lived over and over again. 

They exist merely to gratify their own selfish desires, not giving a damn about anybody but themselves.....never giving or enriching, always grasping, greedy and grabbing. 

What they fail to realize is that all living things need to grow, without growth there is stagnation and eventually death....maybe not physical but certainly emotional and spiritual. You'e got to continue learning, improving and becoming better. 

And the more you learn the more you realize that there is that you don't  know yet, more areas that you still have to gain mastery over...and that makes you humble. There' always room for improvement.

What really struck me when I read about the lives of many, many successful people, like Joe Vitale,  Jim Rohn, Jack Canfield and many top internet marketers  is there constant hunger for self-improvement. They are constantly working on improving themselves, never contented to sit still and stagnate. And that' why even though they achieve so much, they keep achieving even more and climbing new heights.

So which person are you, the arrogant and ignorant or the inspired and active? (It's quite unlikely you'e the former, because people like that would never read a blog like this....but perhaps you need just a gentle nudge to join the latter category) 

Read... learn....and take action... and keep on improving. To your continued success.