Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Money doesn't come first.

"Monetary wealth will be a 'by-product' of living the life of your dreams...not the cause of it." - Bob Doyle Wealth Beyond Reason
Read that again. "But how can I live the life of my dreams without money?" I hear you ask. There are 2 ways to do that -

1. Start doing things that bring you joy on a consistent basis. These don't have to be expensive or difficult. It could be something as simple as taking frequent bubble baths or reading a good book. Doing things that bring you joy will raise your vibrational levels and you will start to attract more positive events and circumstances in your life.

2. Spend some time visualizing your dream life each and every day. You need to start living your dream life in your mind first before it can become a reality. Think of aal the great inventions and ideas. They were first nothing more than ideas visualized clearly in the mind of the creator before they came into physical form.

What do you want your ideal life to look like? Just let your imagination go wild....

To find out more about how to manifest the life of your dreams take a look at the Wealth Beyond Reason Program