Monday, September 24, 2007

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality.

"....the beliefs you have create the results you get. If you are unconsciously sending out vibes that attract lousy conditions, you will experiance lousy conditions." Joe Vitale - Spiritual Marketing

Re-stated "Thoughts become Things."
Elaborated: "Positive, happy uplifting thoughts become positive, uplifting happy experiences. Negative, depressing thoughts attract negative, depressing circumstances."


Anonymous said...

Attraction Explained: Your Social Circle

Our social circle is one of the biggest determining factors in who we meet. Going back a bit, in a 1956 study 70% of married American couples lived within 20 blocks of each other before marriage. Now admittedly that was 1956 and this is now, but the basic principle holds true - you're more likely to find success with someone closer to you than you are someone further way.

So, how do we use this to improve our chances? Simple - we expand our social circle!

1) Network, Network, Network
2) Organise a night out, invite all your friends, tell them to bring friends
3) Join a club. A sports club, a movie club, a dinner club, a sex club - whatever you fancy!
4) Don’t try and jump into an encounter or relationship with every attractive person you meet.
5) Put people in contact with each other.

Read Further... & More Articles on Attraction Explained.

At Attraction Explained we provide a range of free articles and media teaching you the skills you need to improve your luck in love.

Attraction Explained