Tuesday, April 28, 2009

11 Forgotten Laws In-Depth Review - The Law Of Receiving

11 Forgotten Laws - In-Depth Review - part 5 - The Law Of Receiving.

This is the fifth in-depth review in a series 11 reviews on the 11 Forgotten Laws Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. Each article focuses on one universal law. This article takes an in-depth look at The Law Of Receiving as taught in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program.

Each lesson, including this one, comes in mp3 format with the accompanying transcripts, an interactive online workbook. The 11 Forgotten Laws program is based on the book "Working with The Law" by Raymond Holiwell and is included in the program.

The essence of this lesson, of The Law Of Receiving, is that we must put giving first and getting will take care of itself.

Most of us have it in reverse. we want to get before we can give, but that's not the way it works. If "getting" is uppermost in your mind, you actually limit the amount of good that can reach you because you are closing off other avenues of abundance. I love the way Bob Proctor put it "A person is looking for opportunity; opportunity is locked up in giving."

Have you ever felt that your prayers go unanswered? Bob & Mary share why they believe your prayers may already be answered, you just have to know how to receive what is already yours.

They then go on to teach you how to apply The Law Of Receiving to all areas of your life, especially in the realm of finances. They teach you how to give in a way that brings the best returns. Both Bob & Mary share personal stories of how The Law Of Receiving has worked miracles in their lives.

They then go on to teach you how to become more receptive to the good that is already coming into your life.

Have you ever wondered "Can I ask for too much?" OR "Will God withhold things from me that are not for my own good?" Bob & Mary provide some surprising answers to questions that may have plagued you for a lifetime.

All in all The Law Of Receiving a very powerful lesson and a paradigm shift for me....and I'm sure for you too.