Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Shocking Tale.

Bob Proctor, in his breakthrough book, You were Born Rich, tells the shocking true story of the meeting of 8 of the world's most powerful men. It was the year 1923, and these 8 men controlled more money than the United States Government of that time.

The story moves forward 25 the shocking and tragic ends to these men's lives.
2 died penniless and broke....2 were sent to prison....and 3 committed suicide.

Something was obviously very wrong. For although they were rich and powerful they were not truly wealthy. They didn't understand the meaning of true wealth and abundance.

Money is just part of true wealth and abundance. Good health, peace of mind, happy and connected relationships with loved ones, an abiding faith in God, Love for fellow humanity and a generous spirit are all vital components of true wealth and abundance.

To find out the identity of these 8 powerful men and discover the one common factor that led to their downfall go to You Were Born To Be Rich.

1 comments: said...

I’m a big fan of Bob Procter and The Secret

Have you seen his new video training site iLearningGlobal?

You can link to to watch an overview video from Brian Tracy and Bob Procter. Other trainers include Mark Victor Hansen from Chicked Soup for the Soul, Harv Eker of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and many more of my favorites.

The actual training site let’s you view videos in full-screen high-definition, with no buffering. You’ve got to love new technology.

Anyway, I just thought you would want to know about the new training site.

