Tuesday, April 28, 2009

11 Forgotten Laws In-Depth Review - The Law Of Receiving

11 Forgotten Laws - In-Depth Review - part 5 - The Law Of Receiving.

This is the fifth in-depth review in a series 11 reviews on the 11 Forgotten Laws Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. Each article focuses on one universal law. This article takes an in-depth look at The Law Of Receiving as taught in the 11 Forgotten Laws Program.

Each lesson, including this one, comes in mp3 format with the accompanying transcripts, an interactive online workbook. The 11 Forgotten Laws program is based on the book "Working with The Law" by Raymond Holiwell and is included in the program.

The essence of this lesson, of The Law Of Receiving, is that we must put giving first and getting will take care of itself.

Most of us have it in reverse. we want to get before we can give, but that's not the way it works. If "getting" is uppermost in your mind, you actually limit the amount of good that can reach you because you are closing off other avenues of abundance. I love the way Bob Proctor put it "A person is looking for opportunity; opportunity is locked up in giving."

Have you ever felt that your prayers go unanswered? Bob & Mary share why they believe your prayers may already be answered, you just have to know how to receive what is already yours.

They then go on to teach you how to apply The Law Of Receiving to all areas of your life, especially in the realm of finances. They teach you how to give in a way that brings the best returns. Both Bob & Mary share personal stories of how The Law Of Receiving has worked miracles in their lives.

They then go on to teach you how to become more receptive to the good that is already coming into your life.

Have you ever wondered "Can I ask for too much?" OR "Will God withhold things from me that are not for my own good?" Bob & Mary provide some surprising answers to questions that may have plagued you for a lifetime.

All in all The Law Of Receiving a very powerful lesson and a paradigm shift for me....and I'm sure for you too.

11 Forgotten Laws In-Depth Review - Part 5 - The Law Of Attraction.

11 Forgotten Laws In-Depth Review - Part 5 - The Law Of Attraction.

This is the fourth in the series of in-depth reviews. The Law of Attraction is the most well known of the 11 Forgotten Laws. The movie "The Secret" brought The Law Of Attraction to the masses. But the way The Law Of Attraction is dealt with in this lesson is very different from any other teachings on the subject that I've encountered thus far.

It has been the most realistic and sensible and makes perfect sense, even for a skeptic like me.

In this lesson Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey teach us that The Law Of Attraction actually has 2 important phases or parts. If we only practice one of the phases our results will be mediocre at best.

Desire, the first phase of The Law Of Attraction, is compared to the frequency of a radio program. When we desire something, we put ourselves on the frequency of that desire. Bob & Mary share a key distinction that can help you to reduce the time needed to manifest your desires, and I'm sure that it will be useful to anyone who wants to manifest their desires sooner.

What I found of particular interest was the story they shared of Nelson Mandela. I think that's in part because I'm South African and also because it had so much relevance to my life. There were many times when I asked myself "Why me? Why do I have to face these challenges?" This story helped me to make sense of what seemed to be senseless and random events.

Bob & Mary also share the right way to tap into the power of the Law of Attraction. There are 3 important steps that aren't revealed in any other Law Of Attraction teaching. If you've tried to manifest your goals and dreams using The Law Of Attraction and have only had mediocre results at best, it could be because you are missing one of these vital steps.

Many proponents of The Law Of Attraction state that all we have to do is think the right thoughts and our desires will automatically materialize. But the 11 Forgotten Laws program takes a much more sensible and realistic approach and teaches us that we must take action.

In this lesson Bob Proctor says "I have little confidence in the Lord answering the one who rocks in an easy chair and waits for the desired good to be placed in their lap. It doesn't happen. It's like a person sitting at the bottom of the hill and praying that they can get to the top."

Have you ever wondered if your dreams and desires were rational? Have naysayers ever told you "That's impossible. You'll never do that." In this lesson Bob & Mary teach that if you desire something passionately then it's rational for you. I love that! History is filled with the stories of those brave and determined individuals that made the impossible possible.

Bob says that our minds are like magnets and we attract whatever is in vibrational alignment with our predominant thoughts.

The Law Of Attraction works not only with material things. We also attract people who think like us and who have similar values and beliefs.

They also go on to teach us a powerful, but very simple, technique to eradicate negative self-defeating thought patterns and replacing them with powerful, self-affirming ones.

Mary shares a very powerful truth in this lesson. She says "I once heard that the only way the Universe knows where our intention is is where our attention is. So where we place our attention, whether it 's for good or ill, the Universe responds perfectly with the law. Where we place our attention, therein lies our intention, whether it's for failure or success."

This lesson also gave me a new perspective on the "failures" and challenges you face to propel you to success. You will learn a few ways to tweak your thinking so that you can finally make the break-thorough you've wanted and break those self-defeating patterns that have been holding you back.

The Law Of Attraction lesson, like all the other lessons in the 11 Forgotten Laws series, consists of several audio mp3 tracks with the accompanying transcripts and online interactive workbook. You also get the original book (Working With The Law by Raymond Holiwell) on which the entire 11 Forgotten Laws program is based. There are numerous other additional bonuses that come with the program, and I have found that it deepened my understanding of the Universal Laws Of Success immeasurably.

Find out more about The 11 Forgotten Laws
Read more about THE 2 PHASES OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (as taught in this lesson)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The 11 Forgotten Laws Program In-Depth Review -Part 3 - The Law Of Supply

The 11 Forgotten Laws Program In-Depth Review - The Law Of Thinking

The Law Of Supply is the second law in the 11 Forgotten Laws series. The first law is The Law Of Thinking. The lesson opens with the quote "Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."

The Law Of Supply teaches us that no matter what we desire, God is the source of it. And the supply is unlimited because God is unlimited.

But in order to tap into this limitless source of supply, we have to realize that it exists. And then we have to demand (create a burning desire/need) for it. "What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, you shall have them."

Bob Proctor & Mary Morrrissey, (the 2 teachers of the 11 Forgotten Laws program), go on to give several examples of supply and demand. The raw material for every invention, such as the first electric light, the car and the plane etc, has always been in existence. It was only when man demanded more (such as a better mode of transport, more efficient lighting etc) did he become aware of the supply (of raw materials) he needed to bring his ideas into physical form.

Bob & Mary go on to point out that if you have a desire in you for something, this is evidence that the supply is there. You just have to know how to tap into it.

They also share some powerful techniques to turn your annual income into your monthly income. (Wouldn't it be wonderful to earn in 30 days what you used to earn in 365?) It's almost like having your own ATM Machine. You will also learn how to exploit the "Michael Phelps secret" to accelerate your own personal and professional advancement. You'll be able to break your own records and explode through any goal once you know these Olympic-inspired techniques.

Bob & Mary also remind us that worry and anxiety weaken our powers of attraction and may even repel what little good is trying to reach us. You also learn a really simple technique to dramatically increase your power to attract what you want (your magnetism)

They then go on to share several stories where people have applied The Law Of Supply and the techniques they teach with great success.  

The lesson is concluded by reminding us once again that we are entitled to all the good we can appropriate and use. But in order to do that, you have to learn how to tap into this source of limitless supply and this is what the second lesson, The Law Of Supply will teach you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Funny Video - What the media and Chicken Little Have In Common

Download the FREE REPORT that Brian mentions in the video here

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The 11 Forgotten Laws Indepth Review - Part 2 - The Law Of Thinking.

The 11 Forgotten Laws In depth Review - Part 2 - The Law Of Thinking.

If you enjoyed the first review segment, you'll love this one even more. Here's where we get into the 'meat' of the course.

In this segment (which consists of 8 audio mp3 tracks & the accompanying transcripts) Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey start teaching the first of the 11 Forgotten Laws - The Law Of Thinking.

The focus of this lesson is the power that is inherent in our thoughts. I was amazed to learn that thought travels 930,000 times faster than our voices and is really an unlimited force. And it is a very real force. Mary says this about thought "So thought is a subtle element. Although it is invisible to the physical sight, it is an actual force or substance, as real as electricity, light, heat, water or even stone." This lesson shows you how you can put this powerful force to work in your life.

Most of what we consider "thinking" is actually the thought patterns that were instilled in us by our parents and other primary caregivers. We are actually just operating from these negative thought patterns on auto-pilot without really thinking. But in this lesson you are given the tools to finally set yourself free from these destructive patterns.

In this lesson you learn how to differentiate between superficial thought and deep authentic thinking, which is the kind of thinking that has the power to transform your life. And you will also learn a simple, nature inspired activity that will help you quickly and easily develop this type of thinking ability.

One concept that literally jumped out at me was that I could just as easily create a life of fulfillment, enrichment and difference-making as I could a life of littleness, struggle and difficulty.
We are thinking all the time, we never stop thinking. It stands to reason that we should harness this power to move forward in life rather than regress or move backward.

Bob introduces a really powerful concept with this metaphor and I quote "...if you could imagine a road that was built and it runs straight as a dial - let's say from New York to Los Angeles, it just runs out like a close line- and there's a white line down the center of the road. And somehow or another we put an automobile on there and it was engineered and the steering was locked in such a way it could only travel straight down the white line, it's going to drive right into Los Angeles. But if the steering was turned just 1/16 of an inch to the right, I think you know the car is never going to see the West Coast. And it's the same with our thinking. We just make one small shift in our thinking, we may not notice a big difference today or tomorrow, but over a period of a year, two years, five years or a lifetime, the change is enormous."

Small simple changes in mindset and small regular actions add up to a HUGE change over time.

Another powerful concept is that no matter what sort of thoughts we think, our mind will create a corresponding reality, just as Nature will grow the seed of a flower and a weed alike. The mind, like Nature, does not differentiate between good and bad.

I've always been plagued by ANT's (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and I'm sure that you are too. But Bob & Mary share a simple strategy that will erase these destructive negative thoughts like white-out.

Have you ever wondered how a brilliant, ethical person, like you, can be broke? But you don't have to continue these soul crushing dead-end patterns any longer. This lesson reveals the one action you must take to break thorough these self-defeating patterns that keep you stuck.

This is a really powerful lesson and each time I listen to it, I learn something new.

In fact, I believe so strongly that The 11 Forgotten Laws Program can change your life, I have put together a special BONUS offer for anyone who is interested in purchasing this course. These are exclusive bonuses not offered anywhere else and they are in addition to the fabulous bonuses already provided. Click here to find out how you can get these powerful self-development tools just for trying out the 11 Forgotten Laws Program.