Bob Proctor, in his breakthrough book, You were Born Rich, tells the shocking true story of the meeting of 8 of the world's most powerful men. It was the year 1923, and these 8 men controlled more money than the United States Government of that time.
The story moves forward 25 the shocking and tragic ends to these men's lives.
2 died penniless and broke....2 were sent to prison....and 3 committed suicide.
Something was obviously very wrong. For although they were rich and powerful they were not truly wealthy. They didn't understand the meaning of true wealth and abundance.
Money is just part of true wealth and abundance. Good health, peace of mind, happy and connected relationships with loved ones, an abiding faith in God, Love for fellow humanity and a generous spirit are all vital components of true wealth and abundance.
To find out the identity of these 8 powerful men and discover the one common factor that led to their downfall go to You Were Born To Be Rich.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Shocking Tale.
Posted by Maximindpower at 4:25 AM 1 comments
Labels: bob proctor, born to be rich, teacher's of the secret, the secret
Friday, November 2, 2007
Law Of Attraction Interview - Stephen Pierce interviews Bob Proctor about The Law Of Attraction & The Science Of Getting Rich.
Law Of Attraction Interview - Stephen Pierce interviews Bob Proctor about The Law Of Attraction & The Science Of Getting Rich.
I absolutely loved this interview with Stephen Pierce and Bob Proctor, that I decided to republish it in 3 parts here on my blog. I will publish each part and then write down some action steps so that you can put the priceless information contained in this report into action immediately.
We're truly fortunate to have teacher's like Bob Proctor & Stephen Pierce so readily sharing the wisdom it took them years to acquire so freely. If you really take to heart what these two successful men teach, you can become successful and wealthy in a short space of time.
"This is Stephen Pierce and I want to thank you for taking the time to readthe “Attraction Acceleration Report™”, which is a very special interview withBob Proctor on The Science of Getting Rich. And unless you’ve been onanother planet or your head’s been buried in the sand, you have to knowwho Bob Proctor is, and that’s who I’ve had the privilege of interviewing forthis report.
If there’s anybody that knows about The Science Of Getting Rich, it’s Bob Proctor.Bob, you’ve been in the personal development industry since the late 60s.How did you actually get started in this entire industry?
BOB: Well, first of all, Stephen, let me say it’s a pleasure to be doing thisinterview with you. I started back in 1961. People will think I’m 150 years old.I was on the fire department in a suburb of Toronto, in East York, and I was given a copy of Think and Grow Rich. And I’m going to tell you, Stephen, my life turnedright upside down. I was earning $4,000 a year at the time. Iowed $6,000, and I was not a happy camper. I mean, I had no formaleducation, I hadn’t really gone to school, I had dead-end jobs, I’d been in and outof the Navy, and life just wasn’t very good.
But this was life and I thought this was all there was. You know, you try and get by.And I was given Think and Grow Rich, and the man that gave it to me told me ifI would do what he said, that my whole life would change.
Well, of course I didn’t believe that. But I had tried a lot of other things and I had thought; I’ll give it a whirl.
Do you know, a year later I was earning $175,000 a year and then I took it
over to a million. It took me nine years to figure out what happened to me.That’s really what got me studying. I mean, the change was so dramatic.See, in Think and Grow Rich, Hill says, “Decide what you want, write it on acard, carry the card with you, read it as often as possible every day, at leastevery morning when you get up and before you to go to bed at night.”
So, I started to do that. And I wrote on the card that I wanted to have in mypossession by New Year’s Day of 1970, $25,000. I gave myself a decade todo it. I didn’t believe it would happen.But years later, looking back, prior to the card I was thinking of debt all thetime. If you're thinking of debt, that’s what you're going to attract.And as I started to read this card, it got me thinking of earning money. Now,you’d probably say, “Well, weren’t you thinking of that before?” No, I wasn’t.I was thinking debt. That’s the polar opposite.And because I started to think about it, I started to hear people talk about it.And when I heard them talking about it, that would cause me to think moreabout it.And, see, my thinking changed and my life changed."
That's the end of Part 1 of the interview with Bob Proctor.
What have we learned and what Action Steps Can You Take To Start Improving Your Life Right Now:
1. Read Think and Grow Rich if you haven't already.- There are many places on the internet where you can download the book for free.
2. Write Your Major Goal Down On A Card. Carry it with you and read it at least 2x a day - once in the morning and once at night.
That's it - two simple steps to success.
So what are you waiting for? No more excuses.
And please feel free to share with me - and other reader's of this blog - what goal you have written on your card as well as your progress toward that goal. I'd like to make this post an ongoing discussion and a source of inspiration for everyone who reads it. So go ahead and add your input in the comments section.
Posted by Maximindpower at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: attraction accelerator., bob proctor, law of attraction, science of getting rich program, sgr, stephen pierce
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Law Of Attraction Quote to think about.
"The law of attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thoughts. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. " - Joseph Murphy -
This quote is an extract from the Revolutionz program
Posted by Maximindpower at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Joseph Murphy, law of attraction, law of attraction quotes