Anthony Robbins, one of my favorite self-development guru's speaks of the concentration of power- the giant capacity within all of us that we can immediately harness when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.
'Controlled focus is like a laser beam that can cut through anything that is stopping you.' - Awaken The Giant Within.
Tony says that when we focus consistently on improving one area o our lives, we find ways to make that area even better, until we achieve mastery in that one area.
My question to you is: "What area of your life do you need to focus on?" Is it health, finances, career, relationships?
I challenge you to pick one area of your lie and make a firm commitment to improving and mastering that one area.
How do you do that?
1. Learn all you can about the subject at hand by reading books, listening to audio-books or programs, surfing the internet, speaking to experts or others who have achieved whatever it is that you want to achieve.
2. Make notes of points that you can put into action right now.
4. Notice if what you're doing is working or not...and make any course corrections if needed.
So what area of your life are you going to master before 2007 is over?
Let me - and other reader's- know by leaving your comments in the comments section.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Are you concentrating Your Power?
Posted by Maximindpower at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Anthony Robbins, concentration of power, goal setting, law of attraction, Tony Robbins.
Does wanting something stop you from having it?
Does wanting something desperately stop you from manifesting it? Many law of attraction teachers say that it does. They say that wanting or needing something desperately sends out a negative vibration to the universe, one of lack, and that repels the object of your desire. Could that really In this article Law of Attraction expert, Micheal Losier clarifies the confusion.
Does Using The Word " Want" Contradict The Law Of Attraction?
If you're familiar with my work you'll often hear me use the phrase "So, what do you want?" In my book and other articles, I often refer to wanting to attract something. In short I use the word 'want'.
A number of people have been trained not to use the word 'want.' They have been told that when you use the word 'want' you're actually holding the vibration of not having 'it'. Or when you use the word 'want' you're coming from a place of lack.
For example, the word homework excites some people yet causes a negative vibration in others. Words can feel negative to one person and feel positive to another.
To illustrate my point, read the next two scenarios and after each one decide whether you are sending a negative vibration or a positive vibration. Note that the words are exactly the same.
Scenario # 1 - You notice something that you desire but in your head you catch yourself thinking, "I'll never get one as it's out of my reach." Then you say "I want one of those", in a whiny voice. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)
Scenario # 2 - You desire something new and you see it. With your eyes wide open and acting like an excited kid you say "I want one of those!" pointing at the exact item that matches your desire. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)
Remembering that Law of Attraction is responding to vibrations (your feelings), it's how you feel about the words you say which is most important.
It's not the words you use, it's how you feel about the words that you use.
So the next time somebody tells you not to use the word 'want' you can teach them why using the word 'want' is okay for you.
Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience. For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit
Posted by Maximindpower at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: law of attraction, manifestation, manifesting, Micheal Losier
Monday, October 29, 2007
Give Up Control To Get Everything You Want!
"You can't control the way in which the universe brings things to you. When you try to that, you'll be walking in the way of the Universe and you'e probably blocking your own success in applying the Law Of Attraction.....You place the order and the Universe delivers. That' all there is to it. You shouldn' care how the delivery is made."
Revolutionz- The Revolutionary Way To Attract & Manifest Anything You Want In Life, Like Magic!
Posted by Maximindpower at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: law of attraction, manifestation, visulization
These kinds of people drive me nuts!!!!!
Today I just have to rant a bit. Normally I' m a very tolerant person who lives by the motto "live and let live."
Posted by Maximindpower at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Law of Attraction
- What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?
- Do children, babies, and/or animals put out intentions?
- If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way?
- If I intend for my relationship to improve, but my spouse doesn’t seem to care, what will happen?
Posted by Maximindpower at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Micheal Losier on The Law Of Attraction and The Law Of Vibration.
Just ignore the plugs for the book that are interspersed throughout the video and soak up some good content about the law of attraction by one of it's foremost experts. Micheal Losier.
The vibes that Micheal talks about are vibrations which are nothing more than energy frequencies. There are only two types of vibrations - positive and negative. The law of vibration states that you'll attract to you the vibration that matches the one you put out. So if send out positive vibes you'll attract positive events, people and circumstances into your life and if you put out negative vibes, you'll attract negative people, events and circumstances into your life.
Can you think of an event or time in your life when you met someone who had overwhelmingly positive or negative vibes? How did that affect you? Share your story by posting a comment and the best story will win my new e-book on guessed it "The Law Of Attraction."
Posted by Maximindpower at 10:27 AM 3 comments
Labels: manifestation, Micheal Losier, the law of attraction, the law of vibration
The 6 Universal Laws
The movie "The Secret" has made everyone and his dog aware of The Law Of Attraction, but the truth is that there are 6 other Universal Laws that are also vitally important to our success and happiness.
Changes are you haven't heard about them.
The 1st is The Law Of Attraction. (Okay, okay, I know you've heard about that one)
The 2nd law is The Law Of Vibration.
The 3rd law is The Law Of Gratitude.
The 4th is the Law Of Love.
The 5th is The Law Of Allowance /Allowing.
All of these Universal Laws work together, none of them operates in isolation. You need a working knowledge of each of these Universal Laws in order to become a master at manifesting and creating your own reality.
Go to to find out more about these Universal Laws and how you can apply them to Revolutionize your life.
Posted by Maximindpower at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: law of allowance, law of attraction, law of gratitude, law of love, law of vibration, universal laws