Does The Law Of Attraction Really Work?
You’ve watched The Secret, read the book, and been inspired to make some change in your life. Perhaps you’ve started visualizing, saying affirmations and created a dream board. But nothing seems to be happening. Why isn’t it working? Does the Law Of Attraction really work or is it just another hype-filled quick-fix that produce no real results in the real world.
The Law Of Attraction, like all Universal Laws, works 100% of the time…no exceptions. One of the hardest concepts to accept about the law of attraction is the concept of personal accountability and accepting 100% responsibility for ALL aspects of your life. Whatever you have in your life right now, you have attracted by virtue of your thoughts.
99% of people who hear this will immediately say “But I don’t want an abusive spouse, or all this debt or this health problem or whatever. And don’t tell me that I brought this on myself. Why would I do that?” And then they conclude that The Law of Attraction doesn’t work or is utter rubbish.
Perhaps you’ve felt this way too. You’re going through all the motions but the results just aren’t showing up. Why? You’re stuck right where you are….or worse yet, you may be attracting what you don’t want. It can be painful and frustrating to live a life that is so different from the one you really want.
So you’re stuck asking “Does The Law of Attraction Work?”
YES, The Law of Attraction does work. So what’s wrong? Why aren’t you manifesting the life of your dreams?
It could be for any number of reasons.
The first and most common is that you may have confused The Law of Attraction for wishful thinking. As we all know through hard-won experience, wishful thinking gets you nowhere ….fast. In order to manifest your desires you need to stay focused on your goal by thinking about it a lot of the time, but you also need to TAKE ACTION. Nothing is going to magically fall into your lap.
You need to take ‘Inspired Action’ – You may have a hunch to call someone or go somewhere or have an idea that could potentially move you closer to your dream. Act on those hunches quickly. As Dr. Joe Vitale so aptly pointed out “The Universe Likes Speed.”
The Second reason that The Law of Attraction could be failing to produce the results you want could be that you are not keeping your thought consistently focused on the object of your desire. You may be doing a few moments of visualizing and affirmations each morning and evening, but if you spend the rest of the day thinking about all the things that are going wrong in your life and all the things that you don’t want then that is what you’ll attract into your life.
Create a few dream boards and place them in prominent places where you can see them often, write down your goals on an index card and carry it with you. Pull it out several times a day and read it. When you’re stuck in traffic, waiting in a queue or whenever you have a few moments to spare pull it out and read it.
The third reason is that your affirmations and visualizations are bland and devoid of any emotion. Feel how you would feel if you were driving that new car, living in that dream home, going on that vacation…..and hold that feeling with you all day long. That is one sure way to really accelerate the process of manifestation.
The fourth reason is a lack of gratitude. If you keep focusing on the lack and limitation in your life, you’ll get more lack and limitation. But focus on what makes you happy, what uplifts you, what brings you joy and you’ll draw more of that into your life.